Two Lawton High School (LHS) organizations were recognized by representatives from as Promising Practices in Character Development recipients. These organizations were Huey's Heroes Lead4Change and Gentlemen of LHS.
\r\nThese organizations were recognized for their school-wide initiatives and practices that are significant examples of effective character development.
\r\nLHS principal Charlotte Oates said she was thrilled to hear this news about these organizations.
\r\n"We are so proud of the organizations at LHS that have been\r\nawarded these fantastic honors from," Oates said. "We will order the\r\nbanners to hang proudly in our front hall and continue to push for state and\r\nnational schools of character. Our teachers, Kimberly Buckner and Jeff\r\nElbert, have worked hard to make this a reality. We appreciate and honor\r\ntheir efforts. "
\r\nWay to go, LHS!